Peter Freeman obituary

Musician and colleague Peter Freeman dies age 55

Bassplayer Peter Freeman who has died age 55 was an American musician and long time member of Jon Hassell´s touring and recording band. Performing with among others Susanne Deyhim and Richard Horowitz, Jon Cale and post disco outfit D-Train, Peter became involved in some of producer Guy Sigsworth´s productions including Alanis Morrisette and Seal. 

I came to know Peter during the five years I was performing with Jon Hassell. I have fond memories of  touring Last Night The Moon Came Dropping its Clothes in the Street in the US and throughout Europe. Here, a photo by sound engineer Arnaud Mercier taken after a Hassell performance in Courtrig, Belgium with percussionist Steve Shehan, Peter Freeman and yours truly.

Peter performed at Punkt in both Kristiansand and in London and played beautiful bass on ...And Poppies From Kandahar and the track Exile From Paradise.  During one of the many tours, I was fortunate meeting and getting to know his father, the British borne documentary maker Bert Shapiro who made the Elliott Sharp documentary "Doing the Don´t.

Peter Freeman will be missed by the many musicians and friends who was fortunate enough to have known the man.

- J.Bang